

Clean and Green

Moments: Clean and Green

Recycle, use less water, carpool, reduce your carbon footprint…these are all common examples of things the average person can do to help the environment. And while those are all good suggestions on an individual level, there is also space for eco-friendliness in the print and promotional product industry that could have an even bigger impact – for both the planet and your business.  

What does it mean to embrace corporate sustainability, and why does it matter?  In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

  1. What is Eco-Friendly Promo? 
  2. Going Green Without Losing Green 
  3. Implementing Green Initiatives 

What is Eco-Friendly Promo? 

Let’s start with the basics. Eco-friendly promo can fall into one of two buckets: it can refer to the materials and processes used to make products, or it can refer to company contributions to environmentally friendly causes and initiatives with each purchase. Some examples of the former include products that are manufactured and sourced sustainably, products made from recycled materials, products that can be recycled, biodegradable products that break down quickly and safely, and products made from sustainable organic materials. Examples of the latter include businesses that plant a tree for every product sold or use a percentage of profits to support anti-pollution efforts. 

Now that we’ve outlined what eco-friendly promo entails, try to envision what that would actually look like when put into action in your business. Suppliers that offer a give-back component are becoming more commonplace, and offering items like reusable aluminum bottles, recycled cotton t-shirts, bamboo products, and collateral printed on recycled paper are all great examples of eco-friendly print and promotional items that you can incorporate in your business offerings.  

Going Green Without Losing Green 

Going green isn’t all about dollars and cents.  Helping to save the planet through environmentally beneficial initiatives is a noble cause! However, we recognize that it is the primary goal of businesses to provide quality products and make a profit doing so. With that in mind, let’s address a couple of common concerns about the green movement. 

The cost of sustainable products is higher than traditional products because the raw materials are more expensive and they are produced in smaller quantities. But on the flip side, they’re of better quality and have a lower environmental impact.  Furthermore, the numbers show that many consumers are willing to pick up the extra cost. In fact, more than half of consumers say they would pay more for sustainable products designed to be reused or recycled.

On the whole, sustainability is a positive thing for a business’s bottom line. A review of academic literature on sustainability initiatives and corporate performance from Harvard Business Review found that from 200 studies, 90% conclude that good ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards lower the cost of capital.  Plus, an astonishing 83% of consumers believe it’s important or extremely important for companies to have a positive impact by designing products intended for reuse or recycling.

Even from an internal perspective, there are benefits. More than 70% of employees at large North American companies say they are more likely to choose to work at a company with a strong environmental agenda.  No matter which way you slice it, being environmentally conscious and implementing eco-friendly promo is a win for your company. 

Implementing Green Initiatives 

Lots of businesses talk a big game when it comes to being environmentally conscious, but what are some tangible ways to implement eco-friendly initiatives in the workplace? 

One great example of this is Ben & Jerry’s. The famous ice cream shop is doing everything from creating a more sustainable packing process, to practicing regenerative agriculture that protects soil health and increases farm biodiversity. They have also committed to working toward 100% renewable electricity in their global manufacturing operations, company-owned Scoop Shops, and offices.

You might think putting so many resources into environmental initiatives would be costly, but Ben & Jerry’s remains one of the top ice cream companies in the world, with about $911 million in sales in the United States alone last year.  Your business may not be in a position to go all in like that at this time, and that’s ok. It doesn’t have to redefine your business model or anything drastic, but a little bit goes a long way! 

The Takeaway 

Going clean and green is a trendy thing to do, but more than that, it’s impactful and important. Eco-friendly print and promotional products that feature recyclable or biodegradable materials, or supporting environmental causes may seem expensive, but will ultimately improve your business’s bottom line while helping to save our planet. Emulating a model like that of Ben & Jerry’s, or at least a portion of it, is a great way to get started! With so many personal and global benefits, there’s no time like the present to start prioritizing positive environmental impact and implementing key green initiatives into your business! 

CONTACT US TODAY to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team and implement effective eco-friendly print and promotional products into your next green initiative!