

Why Employee Gifts Are More Important Than Ever in 2021

With 80% of companies who hire industry and service workers and 60% of those who hire office and professional workforce saying it is "somewhat" or "very" difficult to hire qualified workers, 2021 has been a rough year to onboard new employees. That means that employers are going to have to work harder than ever to not only bring on new talent but also to retain their existing employees. With an estimated 9 million job openings, it is important to set yourself apart and position yourself as an outstanding employer. If you have updated your compensation package and benefits and are still trying to gain an advantage over the competition, creating solid employee recognition and gift programs is a great start. 


Telling an employee they are doing a great job is one thing, but giving them a physical reminder of their hard work and dedication takes your appreciation to the next level. A framed certificate, a plaque, or an award can serve as a daily reminder of your gratitude for your employees. We even have less traditional items that can be engraved like an award but also serve a practical purpose for your recipient. These outside-the-box ideas are especially handy for commemorating milestones or years of service. To find both traditional and more contemporary options check out the link above. 

Employee Incentive Programs

Setting goals and creating incentives to reach them is a great tool for keeping existing employees motivated and striving for improvement. These goals can be related to sales or performance. They can also be something like health, wellness, and mindfulness-focused programs. As shown in a 2018 Study, 57%. of employees polled feel that they would be more loyal and productive with a company that takes proactive steps to support their mental health. Look for options that are on theme and support your goals. For example, water bottles, lunch containers, yoga mats, and workout towels are great ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Gifts that make travel easier can be great incentives for a sales team that is always on the go! We have strategies that can support both sales and performances based incentive programs and those programs focused on health and wellness in the link above.  

Year-End Gifts

The holidays are the perfect time to let your employees know how much you appreciate everything that they have done throughout the year. Gift cards are usually appreciated, but also a little impersonal. However, gifts from well-known brands branded with your company logo and personalized for each individual employee can have a big "wow" factor. These gifts often come with a lower price point than their perceived value. In other words, brand name gifts often make an impact much larger than their actual price tag. Brand-name gifts are available at almost any price point so that you can make a statement whatever your budget may be. For our top brand-name gifts starting at around $10.00, explore our year-end gifting ideas linked above.

Please keep in mind that 2021 is a year unlike any other when it comes to inventory shortages and long lead times for shipping from overseas. This year, it is more important than ever to plan ahead. ABC has solutions to help you shop now and ship later so reach out for your year-end gifting consultation today. Remember, if you can Imagine a holiday program, we can Create it in order to Engage your employees.